The Chosen: Join us for Viewing and Discussion of Season One

March 23, 2022

Led by Sr. Maryanne King, the Sisters of the Redeemer invite you to join us in watching and discussing the TV show, The Chosen.

The Chosen is about the story of Jesus Christ and His Ministry with the disciples. The amazing story of God’s love to humanity. It brings out the moments in Jesus Christ’s life through dramatization of the events. The series complements the events written in the Bible and is rooted in scripture. The series gives an insight to the life of Jesus as well as the lives of His disciples.

A preview of season one can be viewed here.

We will begin with an overview of the series on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 7-8:30 EST. Then, we will begin the viewing and discussing of one episode each meeting on the next eight alternating Tuesdays (April 19; May 3, 17, 31; June 14, 28; and July 12, 26) to complete the first season.

For those unable to join in person, a link to join us virtually will be provided.

To register call or email Sr. Maryanne at 215-914-4106 or