The following promises are the fruit of our Provincial Chapter 2016. Chapter is a formal event in a religious congregation, thus a special event in the life of the Church, which takes place for our American Province every 5 years. It is a time to reflect back on the life of the Province and to look forward with hope for the future. A direction for the Province is developed during Chapter which flows out of prayer, shared learning, communal reflection and development of promises that address the needs of the time.
Province Chapter- 2016 Promises
We, The Sisters of the Redeemer Contemplate, Live and Proclaim these Promises:
- To make space for the sacred by committing to prayer and contemplation as an essential component of our everyday lives.
- To practice non-violence in all aspects of our lives by choosing never to disregard nor dismiss anyone, no exceptions.
- To probe the depths of our mission and charism for today’s world to more fully understand and embrace our call to Redemptive Love for all Creation.
- To choose simplicity of life by sharing what we have and using only what we need to sustain ourselves and our mission in order that the world’s abundant resources may be available to present and future generations.
- To reverence diversity in all its manifestations, recognizing that unity is made possible by embracing diversity at all levels.
- To dedicate ourselves to live in community more authentically through our daily living of merciful love and forgiveness, which nurtures in us fullness of life.