Youth, RMC, Vacation Bible School

The Sisters of the Redeemer are committed to the faith development of youth and young adults. We believe in the inherent goodness of young people and desire to share in the role of cultivating that goodness for society. We also realize the tension of young people growing up in a society of conflicting values, peer pressure and confusion over our world situations. We desire to help strengthen the inner life of young people through faith formation and services opportunities.

Redeemer Ministry Corps

Redeemer Ministry Corps is a year-long volunteer program jointly sponsored by the Sisters of the Redeemer and the Redeemer Health. This program focuses on holistic healing and the ministry of presence. Volunteers follow the example of Jesus, proclaiming the hope God offers in the midst of human struggle.

Youth and Young Adult Opportunities

Youth and young adults are invited to share prayer and service with the Sisters through college break programs, volunteering through various events and participating in opportunities through faith formation. The Sisters invite young persons to share ideas that will strengthen their faith in the changing world they live in.

Vacation Bible School

An annual vacation bible school program is held at the Sisters’ Province Center. The program serves to deepen an awareness of God in young children.