On Ash Wednesday 1924, 12 Sisters of the Redeemer left their homeland of Germany to travel to America where they were called to serve. Providentially, the Sisters, accompanied by two Superiors, arrived at Ellis Island on March 19, 1924—the Feast Day of their patron saint, St. Joseph.
Since arriving in America nearly 100 years ago, our Sisters, called by the Spirit of God, quietly, yet boldly, responded to the needs of sick, poor, and underserved persons. Meeting the needs of the times, the Sisters established ministries—in Baltimore, Villanova, Massachusetts, Philadelphia, and of course, Meadowbrook, to name a few.
As we approach this significant milestone in our history, we are very honored and excited to announce a yearlong anniversary celebration of the Sisters of the Redeemer’s 100 years in America. The 100th Anniversary will officially begin on March 19, 2024 with an Opening Mass celebrated by Archbishop Nelson Pérez.
I am happy to reveal our anniversary theme and logo, pictured above. The theme, “A Journey of Faith… Love Leads Us On,” was crafted by our Anniversary Steering Committee and endorsed by our Sisters. A “Journey of Faith” not only represents the journey our original Sisters took across the Atlantic Ocean in 1924, but the journey of every Sister of the Redeemer and partner-in-mission who came—and will come—after them. We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us—our journey of faith continues as love leads us on.
Much of the 100th Anniversary will include looking back as we share and celebrate our story in America. However, we are also very hope-filled and energized about the future for our U.S. Province and ministries, as we continue to share our Redeemer Charism, Spirituality, and Mission with all of you.
We have many events and gatherings already planned for our anniversary year and we look forward to celebrating with you! If you would like to be involved in the planning of any of our anniversary events, please email us at sisters@holyredeemer.org Additionally, to ensure you receive the latest information about the 100th Anniversary, please sign up for our email updates here.
With gratitude to our Redeemer and to each of you,
Sr. Ellen Marvel and your Sisters of the Redeemer