Have you ever used an eye chart for a vision screening? If so you know it requires you stand a certain distance to view letters of varying sizes with both eyes and then alternate eyes.
Today’s scripture readings offer what we might consider a spiritual vision screening. From the First Reading we hear God tell Samuel, “Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart.” In John’s Gospel the healing of a blind man reveals the blindness of those who think they see clearly. In their jealousy, rigid adherence to the law, and condemnation they have closed their hearts to the deeper reality of God’s abundant love and mercy.
St. Paul’s a Letter to the Ephesians offers a wonderful promise of healing – if we acknowledge our blindness and darkness (judging by appearance, jealousy & competitiveness, black and white or polarized thinking, prejudices, etc.) we will be able to see by God’s light; “everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light.”
The blind man shows us that by spit and clay – humble acceptance of our limited perception and God’s love and mercy – we will be able to see clearly.
We don’t need to be afraid to see who we really are because in doing so we are set free from darkness: “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want . . beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul. He guides me in right paths . . . Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side . . .” (Psalm 23).
In Our Lives as Sisters of The Holy Redeemer . . .
The results of our vision screening this week reveal
The celebration of St. Joseph, one of our Patron Saints – a man revered by many for his faith in God’s vision – for all of creation. We honored St. Joseph along with our Redeemer Associates during a special evening Liturgy on March 20th.
Celebrating the gift of life of three individuals – 2 of our Sisters and a friend of the community. Birthdays offer an opportunity to see the hand of God at work in people’s lives.
Welcoming home our Province Leader from her special international meeting of our Sisters in Germany. We believe God has a vision for our Congregation in the world today and pray we have the eyes, ears and heart to notice.
Offering a school garden and community garden for children, families and individuals to see and experience the wonder of God’s creation – of which they are a part.
Rejoicing in 30 years of offering healing and homes to women and children experiencing homelessness and trauma. This ministry began with the vision of one of our Sisters who saw a need and listened to God’s movement in her heart. We thank all the many people who have shared this vision over all these years! The women and their children who may have once been judged by society now have a future of hope.
In Your Life . . .
We offer the lyrics of this song as a prayer you may wish to make your own this week:
Open My Eyes by Jesse Manibusan
Open my eyes, Lord
Help me to see your face
Open my eyes, Lord
Help me to see
Open my ears, Lord
Help me to hear your voice
Open my ears, Lord
Help me to hear
Open my heart, Lord
Help me to love like you
Open my heart, Lord
Help me to love
And the last shall be first
And our eyes are opened
And we’ll hear like never before
And we’ll speak in new ways
And we’ll see God’s face in places we’ve never known
I live within you
Deep in your heart, O Love
I live within you
Rest now in me
Scripture Reflection . . .
Fourth Week of Lent
First Reading: 1 Samuel 16: 1-13
Responsorial Psalm:Psalm 23 “The Lord is my Shepard; there is nothing I shall want.”
Second Reading: Ephesians 5:8-14
Gospel: John 9:1-41
Blessings on your week!