Everyday Redeeming Love: A Little Less than Angels 

April 6, 2020

Some questions in life dizzy us like a “not-so-merry” go-round, making us sick with frustration, even anguish.

Never more true than the why of human suffering.

Beginning with an unintelligible birth cry of the first human being wiggling from the darkness of the womb, every person asks the why in cries, prayers and conversations, alone, with God, together.

In our reflection last week on God noticing “the tear of one innocent child suffering,” Monsignor Albacete later in the interview was asked about the why behind suffering.  He replied,

I ask the question: ‘who are you?’
I don’t ask the question, ‘what is the meaning of life or the purpose of anything?’

Here the scientist and priest moves from unanswerable anguish of senseless suffering to the inexhaustible awe of a life-giving and life-redeeming God.

The who of God naturally leads to the who of we.

And when you and I turn our eyes to the generosity and goodness of people all around us during this pandemic, we do get an answer from the psalmist about God and us:

    What are we human beings that you keep us in mind?
… you have made us a little less than angels….
                                                                                                  Psalm 8 

Angels are redeeming love.

– Fr. Joe Driscoll

Director of Ministry Formation and Organizational Spirituality for Holy Redeemer Health System


Everyday Redeeming Love is a weekly reflection that will explore and deepen our ways of understanding the Redeemer Charism: God’s gift of the Spirit originating with Blessed Alphonse Maria Eppinger in the founding story, and still moving in every way, in every person, in every encounter, in our emerging stories as a community.