Everyday Redeeming Love: A Reflection for Your Next Sunrise

May 12, 2020

People strolling through neighborhoods to find a way out of the maze of claustrophobia in our collective self-isolation, social distancing, sheltering in place.

To paraphrase the psalmist, people are desperate to live, breathe and have their being during this coronavirus time.

A long walk and eyes stopping short.  In the middle of the meticulously manicured garden a sign as colorful as the flowers. And after reading it, even more brilliant: ONE SUNRISE AT A TIME.

Yeah, not the familiar “one day at a time.” Rather stunningly, only the first moment, the sunrise.

Just like the first moment in the Genesis story when on the first day God created light, separating day from night. Sunrise, the first moment of separation from the darkness.

And in our moment, are our eyes of faith awakening to see and to seek God’s presence in the movement from darkness into the light of a new day?  Sunrise, the first moment of communion with the light.

Walking a week later noticing signs springing up all over this same neighborhood prompts a Google search.  Not-for-profits partnering to inspire a community, raising funds to support a free clinic, and messaging hope in the moment of both separation and communion, in one sunrise.

– Fr. Joe Driscoll