Everyday Redeeming Love: Do You See What I See?

March 25, 2020

Jammed bars overflowing on crammed sidewalks into the street, these pictures from television and social media are so alarming.  Why were these mostly young people not heeding the dire warnings of health care experts and government leaders to the only known effective remedy to this alarming pandemic, “social distancing”?

The answer: this virus is invisible and what is not seen by the naked eye really does not exist.

But oh yes, the invisible does exist, and the numbers of those infected make the invisible, quite visible.

And frighteningly so.

Parallel this dilemma with the spread of faith.

St. Paul goes to the heart of the invisible God making visible what is invisible, “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7).

But we people so often live by this notion that what is not seen by the naked eye does not really exist. Cavalier about faith, young and old alike.

Everyday Redeeming Love invites us to see in faith that the germs of illness and death have always spread in our world. But how much more the power of the invisible God spreading in the goodness of people, quite visible, all around you and me.

Right now.

How, reassuringly so!

– Fr. Joe Driscoll

Director of Ministry Formation and Organizational Spirituality for Holy Redeemer Health System


Everyday Redeeming Love is a weekly reflection that will explore and deepen our ways of understanding the Redeemer Charism: God’s gift of the Spirit originating with Blessed Alphonse Maria Eppinger in the founding story, and still moving in every way, in every person, in every encounter, in our emerging stories as a community.