Heaven on Earth
I lift my eyes to the mountains, from whence shall come my help?
No, this prayer not originating in the 2020 captivity of this pandemic, nor the conquest of the twitter untruths, nor the destruction of social media tribal gatherings.
What does the prayer of Psalm 121 see when eyes are lifted?
My help is from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
So, let’s lift our eyes to the Maker making heaven on earth right now.
One story of biblical proportions of a Brooklyn neighborhood freed from captivity.
A saxophonist one night playing Amazing Grace on his second-floor porch. The next night a Barcelona-born jazz artist blowing his melodica on the street below with his 3- and 6-year-old dancing on the sidewalk.
Neighbors the whole time gathering.
Then a Haitian jazz guitarist. A Pakistani drummer, and more artists and musicians.
82 consecutive evenings: music, singing, dancing, every people, every culture, everyone. A conquest of biblical proportions over the destruction of virus and vitriol.
So, let’s lift our eyes to the good in people, and not down to a technology oftentimes evil.
The Maker of heaven and earth will not let the sun harm us by day nor the moon by night.
Not in 3000 years, not ever.
– Fr. Joe Driscoll
Editor’s Note: Here is a link to the full story.