Everyday Redeeming Love: Refreshing, Replenishing and Renewing Your Spirit

November 11, 2020

Like a dry, weary land without water, the psalmist gasps a soul thirst toward God (Psalm 63).

Pandemic and politics, viruses of body and body politic, drying up my spirit and our spirit, depleting our reserves in a time of scarcity, even aridity, in daily life as it is now.

The biblical world of land and agriculture depended on scarce water for survival amidst harsh conditions. Is it no wonder the metaphor of spiritual thirst is so prominent in the scriptures of the nomadic peoples in the Middle East?

Moses tapping a rock at Meribah and water gushing forth (Numbers 20); the woman at the well tipping a bucket for ‘living water’ in a mountain meeting with Jesus (John 4).

Are you spiritually thirsty right now?

Where in scripture can you go to a replenishing wellspring?

Yearning for streams of water (Psalm 42)? Finding strength in mighty waters (Psalm 93)? Walking beside restful waters (Psalm 23)? Stilling the waves of the sea (Psalm 107)? Weeping by the rivers of Babylon (Psalm 137)?

Jesus being baptized in the Jordon (Matthew 3)? Jesus walking on water (Matthew 14)?  Jesus calming the sea (Mark 4)?

Go to the water refreshing and renewing your dry, weary heart!


– Fr. Joe Driscoll