We recognize many people who work in healthcare are emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausted and are grieving those they have lost in their lives throughout this pandemic. Many may be searching for new meaning and purpose after this year and may be wondering how to make sense of the pain, loss, and devastation. For this reason, the Sisters of the Redeemer invite you to a virtual reflection, “Finding Rest and Renewal for those in Healthcare” led by Sr. Katharina M. Pies, CSR and Sr. Kim Kessler, CSR.
Participants will have space to honor their experiences and will hear from Sr. Katharina who will share her experience as a chaplain in a life care facility and how she finds meaning in her role in the midst of the exhaustion and challenges of the pandemic. We hope participants will leave this virtual reflection with a sense of renewal and a newfound sense of purpose in the work they are doing.
Join us on Thursday, June 10 at 7-8 p.m. EST or Saturday, June 12 at 10-11 a.m. EST. Choose a day and time that works best for you.
Register at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VCL7WZB