In Our Lives as Sisters of The Holy Redeemer . . .
We give thanks to God this week for the gift of love. It is God’s love for us that has called us here to a life of love.
We were made especially aware of this as we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of our Sister Mary David. The theme she chose from Song of Songs (6:3) declares “I am my Beloveds and my Beloved is mine.” Her 50 plus years of Religious Life is a response to God’s love for her long before she was born!
Watching a Daisy troop and school garden students delight in the beauty of creation and creatures was a reflection of how much God delights in and loves all God’s children.
Welcoming a Sister home after a long retreat was another reflection of the transforming power of God’s tender care and love for one of God’s daughters.
Our older Sisters and Residents participated in a May crowning prayer service expressing their love for the Blessed Mother, Mary and remembering how in their own lives they bear love into the world since they were first chosen and loved by God.
In Your Life . . .
During the Golden Jubilee celebration, two of Sister’s great nieces sang a song that suits this reflection. Perhaps you will want to listen and pray with this song by Rachel Patten, “Better Place”
How has belief in God’s love for you made the world and your life a better place? How has this love helped you make the world a better place for someone else?
Scripture Reflection . . .
Sixth Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 8:5-17
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 66 “Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.”
Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:15-18
Gospel: John 14:15-21
“If you love me you will keep my commandments.” This is Jesus’ declaration in John’s Gospel.
And what are the commandments but to love God, neighbor and self (see Matthew 22:36-40).
The Acts of the Apostles describes the joy experienced by the people’s as they received spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. This joy, in turn, gave birth to the gift of the Holy Spirit! The Second Reading calls us to respond as Jesus did, with hope, gentleness, reverence and humility even in suffering and the struggles of life.
The overall message shares something of the truth that when we know and even more, believe in God’s unconditional love and care for us we can’t contain this love. It’s like the Trinity -love of Father for the Son brings forth the Holy Spirit. Believing we are loved calls forth love!
Our love for God, others and self-generates more love. “And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them” (John 14:21). It all begins with God’s love. “Let all the earth cry out to God with joy” for all creation reflects the love of the creator and so too our love for God and each other is a reflection of the love we first received in God.
Blessings on your week!