Upcoming Events
Feast of St. Alphonsus Ligouri – Founder of the Redemporists, this Patron Saint of our Congregation inspired our own Foundress, Blessed Alphonse Maria, and continues to inspire us to give witness to the redeeming love of Christ in our care of the most vulnerable. “O God, inflame our hearts with the Spirit of your love on the feast of St. Alphonsus.”
Come & See Retreats– Seeking a deeper relationship with God? We offer retreats to explore questions of faith and to share an experience of our life of prayer, community, and service. For more information please contact us to learn when the next retreat will be offered.
Holy Hour –1st Friday of each month at our Redeemer Chapel. You are welcome to join us for Eucharistic Adoration between 4 – 5pm on Friday, August 2nd.
Evening Mass & Supper – Join us for Mass and a simple meal on the last Monday of each month at 6pm. The next date is August 26th Respond here to attend.
Vacation Bible School -This year’s Bible School is themed Roar: Life is wild; God is good and will be hosted at the Province Center of the Sisters of the Redeemer from August 12 – 16, 2019. Volunteering is a great way to participate and have fun – and is always greatly appreciated. Please contact Sr. Maryanne King at 267-228-0448 if you are interested in registering a child or being a volunteer for 1 day or the entire week.
Welcome! – The 2019 – 2020 Redeemer Ministry Corps faith, service and community year will begin on August 18th with orientation.
General Chapter: Four Sisters from our Province will travel to Germany to participate in our international meeting that will take place August 14 – 28th. Along with our Sisters from Germany and Tanzania they will set the direction for our Congregation for the next 6 years. This is a time of prayer, conversation, discernment and decision-making. The theme for the Chapter is “That all may be one.” Please keep our Congregation in your prayers.
Based on the image above by Sister Ana Dura, CSR
This image depicts the Trinity, community, and the world. We have all come from the same source – God, who is Trinity. Three persons who are one. The circle of light is “Father;” Dove is Spirit; Jesus, our Redeemer is center.
All people and all creation are created for community/relationships. We all desire oneness and wholeness; life flourishes in community. We come from one source and we seek to come together in this life around a common belief, a common mission : that all may know the healing love of our Redeemer.
The circle of persons symbolize our Congregation. We are formally made up of women from 3 countries. There are additional persons in this image – perhaps the other branches of our founding congregation; perhaps all the people who participate in the mission and Charism entrusted to us – Associates, co-workers, Redeemer Ministry Corps, etc. The circle is outward facing and there is motion. The feet symbolize our Congregation stepping forward: to the needs of the world ; to a future of hope.