Newsletter – December 2018

November 30, 2018

Upcoming Events

Come & See Retreats– Curious to know if religious life is your calling? We offer weekend retreats to share an experience of our life of prayer, community, and service.  For more information please contact us to learn when the next retreat will be offered.

Eucharistic Adoration 1st Friday of each month at our Redeemer Chapel. You are welcome between 3 – 5pm on Friday, December 7th.

Redeemer Associate GatheringDecember 13th at 7pm at the Province Center.  This month with feature an Advent Reflection: The Meek – Divine Providence.  Learn more about Redeemer Associates.

Advent Prayer Series – All are welcome to join us for an Advent Prayer Service each Sunday of Advent at 7pm  at the Redeemer Chapel on Moredon Rd.  First Sunday of Advent is December 2nd.

Christmas Shoppe at our Art at Valley Lake Gallery  November 30th 4-9pm &  December 1st  11am – 3pm.  See more details here 


Feast of the Immaculate Conception – We celebrate this day as the Feastday of our American Province.  All are invited to join us for Mass at 11am.

Christmas – You are invited and most welcome to join us for any or all of the following Masses located at our Chapel on Moredon Road in Huntingdon Valley.

Christmas Eve, Monday, December 24th at 7pm

Christmas Day, Tuesday, December 25th at 11:30am

New Year’s Day – Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  All are welcome to join us for Mass at 11:30am.


Recent Happenings

We celebrated Thanksgiving with Mass and a traditional meal with family, friends, and those seeking a community with whom to celebrate.


A “Thanksgiving” message from Sister Anne Marie, CSR.  Every day is a day to give thanks.

The Holiday Season is upon us. In the coming weeks, many of us will observe days of special religious and cultural significance. Certainly, Christians await, with great expectation, the celebration of the birth of Jesus and the many wonderful traditions of Christmas.

The richness and variety of the Holidays affect and inspire us spiritually, culturally, and emotionally. However, I have always felt that Thanksgiving engages us in a special way because of its relative simplicity. It arrives quietly without weeks of fanfare. The decorations are basic and usually muted in color. There are no gifts to purchase. The principal ritual involves gathering for a meal that, while abundantly proportioned and lovingly prepared, is typically rather basic in its contents. Compared to the broader Holiday Season, Thanksgiving asks very little of us. It simply encourages us to reflect with gratitude on our lives.

Yet, despite its simplicity, Thanksgiving can also be challenging. Appreciating the wonder and the richness of our existence can be difficult when the world we live in is so troubled. In just the past few months, our nation has witnessed mass violence, bitter and divisive political campaigns, a degradation of trust in our Church and its leaders, and devastating wildfires that are exacting a terrible toll in the loss of human life and the destruction of personal property and nature. Beyond our own borders, the struggle for freedom, justice, and basic human dignity continues for millions of people around the world. These harsh realities, quite understandably, can occupy our thoughts and can obscure from our view the many ways in which we are blessed. But perhaps it is in times of distress and discord that Thanksgiving’s simple call to gratitude can be especially inspiring, and can act as a healing balm to tired and discouraged spirits.

It has been said that the things we take for granted are the very things that other people can only dream about: a healthy mind and body, a home, supportive relationships, employment, personal and religious freedoms, even a glass of clean drinking water. Our everyday blessings often go unnoticed in our busy and distracted lives, and yet they are of inestimable value to people from whom basic comforts, opportunities, and freedoms are withheld. To the sick and suffering who come into our care every day, to the weary refugees streaming hopefully toward the borders of more fortunate nations, and to the people in disadvantaged countries who struggle heroically to lead decent lives against the forces of nature and human oppression, our everyday gifts are priceless treasures. As we contemplate our many blessings this Thanksgiving, may we be reminded of all that is good in our world and in our lives.  And may we also be inspired to think and act with generosity and kindness toward our sisters and brothers in need.