Upcoming Events
World Day of Consecrated Life, February 1-2, 2020 – All are invited to join us in celebrating the gift of our call at our 9am Liturgy followed by coffee and refreshments as Sisters share their experience of being called to religious life.
Life Awareness Retreat – “Disconnect and plug into the voice of God.” March 20 -22nd. Ages 18 – 45. Mother Boniface Spirituality Center. Please contact Sr. Ivette Diaz Idiaz@mercymidatlantic.org 494-562-1574. RSVP by March 16th. A place and space to listen to God and others on this journey of faith.
Come & See Retreats– Seeking a deeper faith and relationship with God? We offer retreats to explore questions of faith and to share an experience of our life of prayer, community, and service. For more information please contact Sr. Kim to learn when the next retreat will be offered.
A Year of Faith, Community and Service! Applications for our 2020 – 2021 Redeemer Ministry Corps volunteer year are now being accepted.
Holy Hour –1st Friday of each month at our Redeemer Chapel. You are welcome to join us for Eucharistic Adoration between 4 – 5pm on Friday, Februrary 7th.
Redeemer Associate Gathering – February 13th , 7pm at the Province Center. This month the theme is “God’s Love of All and for All”. Learn more about Redeemer Associates
Mass and Simple Supper – February 24th @ 6pm. All are welcome to evening Mass and supper on the last Monday of each month. Please RSVP prior to the date.
Summer Garden Internship:
SERVE at Redeemer Valley Garden
LEARN about sustainable growing practices
GROW spiritually and live together in community sharing meals and prayer.
Learn more about this exciting opportunity!
Redeemer Valley Community Garden offers a variety of volunteer and service opportunities for individuals and groups. Learn more about Redeemer Valley Community Garden
Recent Events
Urban Plunge – Between January 6 – 8th we were inspired by the presence of four college students who joined us for an urban immersion experience into the realities of poverty and the organizations that are responding to the needs. They visited and participated in activities at our long-term care facility, community garden, food cupboard and transitional housing program for women and children experiencing homelessness as well as a soup kitchen in Philadelphia.
Human Trafficking Awareness Month – Since 2010 the entire month of January has been identified to help raise awareness of the vulnerable populations throughout the world who are victims of human trafficking, which is commonly referred to as modern-day slavery. As a Congregation, we have felt called to help raise awareness and action to decrease this injustice. Please read more about this cause.
Excerpt from our Blog
I believe in a God who loves all creation and all people unconditionally; I also believe that because God is love, God is deeply wounded by our lack of love for one another. You only have to remember Jesus on the cross to believe God experiences anguish. I also believe God is unconditionally just, only read of Jesus over turning tables in the temple or today’s Gospel parable of the rich man and Lazarus. This passage is meant to make us squirm as we realize our own lack of love and justice.- our lack of consciousness and respect for the inherent dignity of all created life.
Because God is love we are never beyond being loved. Like Timothy, St. Paul encourages us to “pursue righteousness, devotion, faith love, patience, and gentleness.” We are not God and our strength, St. Paul also reminds us, is in our weakness (see 2 Corinthians 12:10). The rich man in the Gospel of Luke (16:19-31) never apologies, never expresses sorrow for his lack of love and justice even in his plea for relief from eternal suffering. We are called to be deeply aware of our thoughts, words and actions; to be attentive to how we love and respect others and all creation. We are to be conscious of our weakness and to express sorrow to others for our lack of love and justice. Only then can we be strengthened to stay on the narrow way. We will never experience peace and freedom in this life or the next if we remain the complacent and indulgent people referenced in the reading from the prophet Amos (Amos 6:1, 4-7).
Let us not be afraid of God, rather let us be immersed in the unconditional mercy and love of God. A God who desires everyone and all creation to be free from fear and free to love so the kingdom of God can be experienced here and now.
The practice of a prayerful review of the day can never be over emphasized. It is in becoming aware of the movements of our heart, the thoughts of our mind and the actions of our body that we can grow in love and freedom.
We offer one guide here for your daily prayer and reflection . . .