Newsletter – March 2019

February 28, 2019

Upcoming Events

Ash Wednesday – All are welcome to join us for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy with distribution of ashes at our Redeemer Chapel:  6:45am March 6th.

Creation at the CrossroadsLooking to be more intentional with your prayer and putting your faith into action? If yes, then join us for 4 weeks as we explore Pope Francis’ call to care for creation. First gathering begins Monday, March 11 at 7pm. Please RSVP to

Come & See Retreats– Seeking a deeper relationship with God? We offer retreats to explore questions of faith and to share an experience of our life of prayer, community, and service.  For more information please contact us to learn when the next retreat will be offered.

Holy Hour 1st Friday of each month at our Redeemer Chapel. You are welcome to join us for Eucharistic Adoration between 4 – 5pm on Friday, March 1st.

Redeemer Associate Gathering – March 14th at 7pm at the Province Center.  This month’s Lenten Reflection – The Pure in Heart.  Learn more about Redeemer Associates

Evening Mass & Supper – Join us for Mass and a simple meal on the last Monday of each month at 6pm. The next date is March 25th.  Respond here to attend.

Summer Garden Internship:
SERVE at Redeemer Valley Garden
LEARN about sustainable growing practices
GROW spiritually and live together in community sharing meals and prayer.
Learn more about this exciting new opportunity!

Welcome MSU Students!

We look forward to meeting the students from Michigan State University who will stay with us for their Alternative Spring Break service week March 3—9th.


During this season of Lent you may choose to make this a daily prayer:

Loving Father,
Here I am.
I trust that you have an incredible plan for me.
Transform me. Transform my life.
Everything is on the table.
Take what you want to take and give what you want to give.
Transform me into the person you created me to be,
so I can live the life you envision for me.
I hold nothing back;
I am 100 percent available.
How can I help?


Prayer taken from Chapter 22 of Matthew Kelly’s new bestseller Rediscover Jesus.