Upcoming Events
Feast of St. Teresa of Avila – On October 15th the Church and our Congregation celebrate the life and faith of St. Teresa. She is one of the patron saints of our Congregation for her contemplative yet active spirit.
Come & See Retreats– Seeking a deeper relationship with God? We offer retreats to explore questions of faith and to share an experience of our life of prayer, community, and service. For more information please contact Sr. Kim to learn when the next retreat will be offered.
Holy Hour –1st Friday of each month at our Redeemer Chapel. You are welcome to join us for Eucharistic Adoration between 4 – 5pm on Friday, October 4th.
Redeemer Associate Gathering – October 10th, 7pm at the Province Center. This month’s Reflection – The Peacemakers/ Healing Presence. Learn more about Redeemer Associates
School Garden – Second Grade students from a local parish will begin this year’s school garden program on October 18th in our community garden. This is the perfect time to plant garlic and enjoy the gift of God’s creation before winter arrives!
Evening Mass & Supper – Join us for Mass and a simple meal on the last Monday of each month at 6pm. The next date is October 28th. Respond here to attend.
Recent Events
First Feastday of Blessed Alphonse Maria Eppinger – On September 9th the Church celebrated our founder for the first time! One year ago Mother Alphonse Maria was beatified at the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Strasbourg, France.
Vacation Bible School -This year’s Bible School was themed Roar: Life is wild; God is good and was offered at our Province Center from August 12 – 16, 2019. It was an event enjoyed by all – participants, families and volunteers! We thank Sr. Maryanne for her energy and enthusiasm.
Welcome! – The 2019 – 2020 Redeemer Ministry Corps faith, service and community year has begun. Emily and Leo were missioned during Liturgy on Sunday, September 15th. Emily serves in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital and as a health liasion at Drueding Center for women and children experiencing homelessness. Leo serves with the Activities department at St. Joseph Manor, a long term living facility.
General Chapter: Sisters from our Province here in the United States, in Germany and our Region in Tanzania gathered at our Motherhouse in Wurzburg, Germany from August 14 – 28th to set the direction for our Congregation for the next 6 years with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Topics included our Redeemer Spirituality, care of creation, and the widening understanding of vocation and membership in our Congregation. This was a time of prayer, conversation, and discernment. Thank you for your prayerful support!
Autumn’s message by Sr. Ana Dura
A robot spoke to me the other day. Have you ever seen the robots that peruse the aisles for spills and other hazards at your grocery store? It is a fairly new phenomenon and I haven’t quite gotten used to a blinking pillar-like object moving along the floor. I inevitably meet it around a corner and have to improvise a dance so as not to cause a collision. I learned it has a name. Marty. Recently I encountered Marty in the dairy section and apparently there was a stressful situation. Marty had yellow lights blinking all around and was repeatedly announcing “Caution, hazard detected.” I learned Marty is also bilingual as this alert was issued in both English and Spanish. After taking in this scene I looked around to see what was causing this response. in front of the robot lay a small piece of cardboard apparently the flap from a box. I bent down and picked it up and discarded the hazard thinking this would calm down Marty. Unfortunately he would not be consoled and I left Marty complaining in the corner.
As I walked away I couldn’t help but reflect on my own reaction to unexpected obstacles in my life. How often we can become frozen in place by fear and anxiety repeating the past over and over again – even when the object of our anxiety is removed. The Season of Autumn has just begun. The days are already noticeably shorter and soon the trees will be changing color and the leaves falling to the ground. Again, the natural rhythm of life reveals a deep truth: Life requires change, letting go, dying if you will so that life can actually flourish. If we hold on to our fears, our past regrets and hurts and the anxiety keeps building up we will shrivel up inside and life will be squelched. However, if we can release our strong hold and trust that in the falling we will be caught up in the richness and source of all life – the soil of faith and our own humility; “For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10). Autumn invites us to trust, to let go of what we can and to accept what we can’t do on our own.
We offer you a familiar prayer that speaks to every heart.
The Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.