Upcoming Events
Currently our regular public events are on hold as the world experiences this Pandemic. We look forward with hope to the time we can gather again to celebrate the gift of community and faith.
Feast of our Foundress, Blessed Alphonse Maria Eppinger, – September 9th.
Elizabeth Eppinger was born in Niederbronn (Alsace) on September 9, 1814. From her earliest youth, she learned to endure suffering by meditating on the mystery of the cross and divine mercy. In 1846 she had a mystical experience. She founded a congregation for the care of the sick, making no distinctions between social classes or religions, with the mission of spreading the good news of God’s mercy and that all people without exception are loved by God. Mother Alphonse Maria died on July 31, 1867 in Niederbronn.
O God, rich in mercy,
who gave blessed Alphonse Marie
the strength to participate in the work of redemption
by serving those who suffer,
grant us, through her intercession,
that, transformed by the love of Christ our Redeemer,
we may be his witnesses before all people.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
Sock Drive
As we celebrate the Feast of our Founder, Blessed Alphonse Maria Eppinger, a woman of deep faith and active compassion for others’ suffering. Her legacy of caring for sick, poor, and vulnerable persons continues to live on in our hearts and mission through our Redeemer Family.
Inspired by Blessed Alphonse Maria’s words, “you must see the Savior in the poor and in the sick; you must serve them with kindness and joy, and consider that it is God whom we serve in them,” we invite you to join us in following in her footsteps through the tangible act of providing new socks for men, women, and children experiencing homelessness.
In light of the current pandemic, socks can safely be donated in the following non-contact ways:
- Place socks in the marked box outside the main front door of the Province Center.
- Purchase socks online via our Amazon wish list. When purchasing using this list, select the option to have the socks delivered to the Province Center.
The greatest need is for men’s socks, but there is also a need for women’s and children’s socks. Ideally, the socks should be thick and dark-colored.
The gift of a new pair of socks can have a positive impact on the health and wellness of those experiencing homelessness; a population often mistreated and alienated yet, equally deserving of care and active compassion.
Our sock drive kicks off September 9th and will run through Wednesday, September 30.
We invite you to learn more about our sock drive and homelessness by following us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/sistersoftheredeemer) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/redeemersisters)
We hope you will join us in this effort of expressing the healing presence of Jesus in a suffering world, which Blessed Alphonse Maria Eppinger’s life exemplified.
Live-stream Mass from our Chapel each Sunday 11am EST – visit us on Facebook Sisters of the Redeemer
Redeemer Valley Farm
We offer a variety of volunteer and service opportunities for individuals and groups to care for creation. Learn more about Redeemer Valley Community Garden
Recent and On-going Events
Proclaiming Hope – We have begun sharing messages of hope via Facebook from our Sisters and members of the Redeemer Family. “Proclaiming Hope: Messages of Hope,” true to the mission of the Sisters of the Redeemer, “to contemplate, live, and proclaim the Mystery of Redemption, so that we and others may find fullness of life through Jesus Christ, the Redeemer,” is intended to help us all navigate this global crisis together. It is our hope that these messages will be a positive and healing presence in your lives. Our prayers are with you and the whole world during this painful and uncertain time. Please visit our Facebook page to read and receive these Messages of Hope.
This reflection on our Foundress and Spirituality is written by Sr. Katharina Maria Pies, CSR
Mother Alphonse Maria
You are inspiring me with your life-giving devotion
You are guiding and leading me with your
simplicity and faithfulness
You gave yourself totally to all of us
Your spiritual life is the well of my heart –
softly, but at the same time so strong in your heavenly call
to serve your divine Redeemer.
I am quiet and still,
listening to your spirit.
I feel that you are here, in the midst of our group.
What would we be without you?
Left in a lesser light,
my heart wouldn’t have so much joy.
Your light is shining through me,
I don’t feel weary anymore.
Your inspiring love gives me freedom to long for Jesus
more and more.
I am alive,
full of your motherly love,
rich in kindness,
full of compassion.
I know what I am longing for –
to become a daughter of our Mother Alphonse.
Mother Alphonse Maria,
I ask you for your blessings on my journey.
I know I can’t be like you,
I am not good enough to stay at your side.
Be with me and guide me throughout my life.
I need your help and your prayers
so that I can follow you in my own little being.
Let me pray with you, side by side,
to our loving Redeemer.