Sisters of the Redeemer elect new province leadership

July 2, 2019

On June 29, following a day of prayer, the Sisters of the Redeemer elected their new Province leadership team. Sr. Ellen Marvel, currently Province Assistant, was elected Province Leader. Sr. Ana Dura was elected Province Assistant and Province Vicar, and Sr. Anita Bolton, was elected Province Assistant. Their terms will officially be recognized on August 1 with a Mass of Installation.

The month of July will serve as a transition period, as the outgoing leadership team, Sr. Anne Marie Haas, Province Leader, Sr. Barbara Deitrich, Province Vicar, and Sr. Ellen finish their terms. Both Sr. Anne Marie and Sr. Barbara have served on the Province leadership team since 2006.

“In this new leadership team, we present three Sisters who embody servant-leadership and who faithfully live the Redeemer charism and spirituality,” said Sr. Anne Marie. “Both joys and challenges await us all globally, nationally, and locally and I am confident this new team of women religious will lead our Province into the future with wisdom, grace, and fidelity to those we serve. I am grateful for the laity who have provided tremendous support and strong collegiality during our past terms and we look forward to them continuing to serve with our new team as partners in mission.”

Sr. Ellen has served the Sisters and Holy Redeemer Health System in a variety of capacities for 54 years. In addition to her role as Province Assistant since 2011, she served as the Province Treasurer for 13 years. Previously, she served as Executive Director of the Drueding Center for 12 years, receiving a lifetime achievement award at the 2016 Stairway to the Future event. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Drueding Center. A registered dietician, she was the Assistant Food Service Director at Holy Redeemer Hospital and Director of Food Service at St. Joseph’s Manor. Sr. Ellen will continue as a member of the Holy Redeemer Ministries Sponsor Board, which she has served on since its 2011 inception. For the past several years, Sr. Ellen has regularly served a weekly evening meal at St. Francis Inn, something she hopes to continue as she transitions into her new role.

A native of northern California, Sr. Ana is the visionary behind the Sisters’ Redeemer Valley Farm and Garden, located behind the Transformation Center. Sr. Ana’s ministry not only provides healthy food to locals and the Holy Redeemer Food Pantry, but a sense of belonging and community to the neighbors and children who tend to the garden and the Farm’s many animals. Sr. Ana and her team of staff and volunteers care for a variety of animals including chickens, ducks, goats, rabbits, and sheep. She is also a licensed occupational therapist having served patients and residents over the years at both Holy Redeemer Hospital and St. Joseph’s Manor. When not tilling the land, Sr. Ana can be found with a paintbrush in hand creating beautiful works of art or performing a liturgical dance at a congregational celebration.

Sr. Anita originally came to the Sisters as a Redeemer Ministry Corp volunteer. Since 1997, she has worked with the Health System’s Mission Integration team, in part, introducing new employees to the Sisters’ heritage, mission, and current ministries. Sr. Anita has chaired the Crisis Fund for Holy Redeemer employees since its inception in 2003. She also has led Redeemer Week (now Redeemer Month) celebrations for almost two decades. Prior to joining the Mission Integration team, Sr. Anita worked as an early education teacher at the Drueding Center, and currently serves on its Board of Directors. She will be installed as a member of the Holy Redeemer Ministries Sponsor Board in August, having completed the Sponsor Formation Program offered by the Catholic Health Association.

The Sisters are excited and grateful for the incoming leadership team’s call to serve the Congregation in a different capacity. Please remember them in your prayers as they assume their new responsibilities.