Surrounded by family and friends, the Sisters of the Redeemer celebrated the installation of their new Leadership Team during a Mass on August 1, 2019, at their Chapel in Meadowbrook.
The new Leadership team was announced following a special Chapter of Elections in late June. Sr. Ellen Marvel, who most recently served as Province Assistant, is the new Province Leader. Sr. Ana Dura was installed as Vice Province Leader and Sr. Anita Bolton as Province Assistant.
Sr. Ellen has served on the Province leadership team since 2011 with former Province Leader Sr. Anne Marie Haas and former Vice Province Leader Sr. Barbara Deitrich. Both Sr. Anne Marie and Sr. Barbara served on the leadership team since 2006.
Father Timothy Judge presided over Mass, with Father Dennis O’Donnell serving as concelebrant. The Mass took place on the Feast Day of St. Alphonsus Liguori, a patron saint of the Sisters of the Redeemer.
In addition to the installation of the new leadership team, the Sisters also celebrated Sr. Julia Lanigan, a Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart, who was installed as Province Treasurer, a role most recently held by Sr. Ellen.
“The ministry of leadership is truly a privilege and one that calls us to be completely dependent on God’s grace,” said Sr. Ellen. “According to St. Alphonsus Ligouri, ‘it is enough for you to lay your cares upon Him. God will not fail to comfort you or to give you strength.’ These words will guide us in the coming years as we prepare for our next Province Chapter in 2021, where we will discern our themes that will provide direction for us moving forward.”